The worlds first THX Certified Dominus Speakers (The highest standards of quality and performance)
PerListen is the story of a few discerning audiophiles with the same passion, who started a company with some of the best talent in the industry and tons of industry awards to prove it. Chances are you have heard some of our award winning products and loved them.
Now we create a whole new listening concept… Perceptual Listening. No matter what your taste in music, recording style, or media room we will elevate your passion for listening to the music you love. PerListen speakers and subwoofers are the ultimate in listening performance.
They are made to the highest level of industry standards. A level never reached by anyone until now.
You are an audiophile. Feed your passion for listening.
Listen to the best… Listen to PerListen.
S7t Tower
Effortless dynamics and lightspeed transients the S7t will reveal layers within the recording that you have never heard before. The S7t will reignite that passion for your favorite music catalog. “Hear what’s hidden in the music you love”©
The finest speakers available, but don’t take our word for it